Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ferry over to the other side...

We just got back from a trip to San Diego camping, wooo!  We headed over from Coronado taking ferry to 'the other side' straight to lunch at The Gyro Spyro for real Greek food in Seaport Village.  Another indulgence of the best kind was ice cream.

Tim & I always try to get a couple of cones in on trips such as these.  He threatened my life if I put a photo of him on my blog, otherwise you'd see him in his Hawaiian shirt sporting a big grin as well.

We saved on gas and had only our bikes and it was great.  The weather was awesome and the ferry ride was just plain fun, no driving of any kind for us.  I guess you could say we got it goin on, at least that's how we felt.  It was a much needed break.  Hope everyone's Memorial Day was great!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hold On - SOLD

This was one of my favorite 'I wonder if's'...  My friend Leslie's daughter Rachel, posed for this one.  Thanks Rachel (good luck in San Diego).

I literally tore apart the umbrella so that the wind looked like it was really blowing (which it does here in the High Sierras).  I liked everything about it - 'everything'.  Still do! Hope everyone has a great weekend with some time with family (miss my girls) and super weather..

Friday, May 20, 2011

Um, Left or Right - SOLD

Sometimes we just have to stop and think about which direction to take.  Here's a fun look at a paint rule:  'no lead out of the painting...  I could have had them looking to the inside and changed lots of things up in regard to placement (eg: the other dude is in the center) - oh nooooooooooo!

I liked it this way, it was so natural and wondered which direction they decided on when they finally took flight.  I'm thinking left looks like it just might be the winner.  Hoping everyone gets a chance to get water this weekend.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hawaiian Punch - SOLD

I'm having Hawaiian dreams and the best darn Seared Ahi Tuna I've ever ever had at Uncle Billy's in Hilo.  Sooooo, decided to get myself there by painting a tropical dress and not wearing sandals.  Going to go and listen to some IZ.  Why not go there yourself by listening to his link.  Enjoy - ahhhhh!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Polished Duo - SOLD

A quick post since it's been like a week?  I love love love these two particular colors of nail polish.  I am that kind of woman.  Classic colors and you just don't notice the chipping - much...  Easy peasey.  So Ice, Ice Baby those nails!  And now back to work.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Some Me Time - SOLD

Don't we all need that?  Some me time?  Time to spend the way we'd like to spend it, just for a moment.  Helps to revive us and helps us to realize what we're here for, each other...  that time is well spent and not squandered.  No worries, no guilt, just peace...  It's ok to just stop and relax.  It's a time to re-energize and that's a good thing!  A very very good thing.  So enjoy!  Read that book you keep holding onto and waiting to read.  Stop thinking about that stuff.  It'll all be there when you get back, but you'll be seeing it in a whole new perspective.  One that get's it all done and then some.  Here's to everyone (including myself - heavy sigh) having a very relaxed weekend!