Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kitchen's beginnings

We are in the throws of the beginnings... of the kitchen that is. That's Tony on the right, his boss Scott, SBC Development, Inc (a man of his word) and he are our lifesavers.  While Tony with one of his crew started the work on the kitchen, I asked if I could take a 'cheese' shot and he was obviously laughing - a very good way to start the day.  This has been a very looooonnnng process, but I think we've reached the peak, the turning point for it to finally come together and quickly at that - thanks Scott.  The studio is a crowded messy area as it 'is' the temporary kitchen.  I wanted to take more photos, but honestly after all of this time, I think I'll just let them do their thing.  I am so looking forward to cooking 'real' food that's good for us.  Our eating habits aren't the greatest at this point.  Pizza anyone!  I really appreciate everyone sticking with me all of this time.  Thanks lots!

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