Sunday, July 11, 2010

Beach Trail - SOLD

I really want to be there right now.  Just thinking about the cool breezes flowing up the sides of the cliffs as I'm hiking my way down to the beach helps me relax and go to the ah moments.  Well, if I can't make it to the beach right now, I can at least go there visually in my imagination!


  1. This is spectacular! The composition is striking and the brushwork so powerfull!

  2. Beach Trail is sitting in my bedroom. At first, I had it in my living room, but it made its way to my bedroom where it has no doubt found its home. Every time I walk into my bedroom, I am compelled to walk over and turn on the light that wakes the painting up. And I have to smile... there's no stopping it! I love this painting, Barb... the colors, the textures, the work... it's a case of smaller being better. I don't know how you can pack so much into this small canvas... but you do.
